Personal Investigations for private individuals
Matrimonial and divorce proceeding
Have you noticed changes in your significant other lately that aren't easily explainable? You can't live with someone not knowing when trust is disappearing. Let us dispel your fears and give you peace of mind or confirm your suspicions so you can move on. If divorce is the next step, we will get you the evidence you need for the proceedings.
Child custody investigations
The most difficult part of a divorce is what happens with your children during the process. If you're spouse is seeking or granted joint custody, you want to ensure that your children are in a safe and healthy environment when they aren't with you.
Child care background check investigations
Your children are the center of your world, but due to the realities of life, you can't watch over them 24/7. Before you drop them off at that day care or invite a nanny into your home to watch them, let us find out all you need to know about the people who will be taking care of your children.
Elder/disabled care background check investigations
As we get older it is an unfortunate fact that more of the people in our life will need help taking care of themselves due to illness or old age. Let us make sure that the right people are taking care of the people who took care of you.
Pre-marital background check investigations
Today's couples are waiting longer and getting married at later ages. This results in more people who have established themselves financially prior to marriage. It also means that your partner had more time to possibly have a questionable past prior to coming into your life. If you're dating or living with someone, then their past might not be a main concern, but if you're going to start a future and family with someone, you need to know everything you can about that person.
Not sure if we can help you?
If you're unsure about how we can help you, contact us for your free and confidential consultation.